How to become a member?

Any person of good professional standing if medically or scientifically qualified or who is in other ways eminent in the field of hematology in any of its aspects shall be eligible.

Ordinarily, candidates will have manifested a continuous interest in any field of hematology is eligible for membership. Trainees in any field of hematology and/or oncology with lesser experience may be considered for membership, after the degree has been awarded.

You will pay

Annual fee : 60.- U.S.Dollars

Membership dues are paid annually and cover the calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st.

ISH members are required to renew their memberships for each year in succession. Those who let their memberships lapse must pay their dues for the lapsed year(s) or re-apply according to the schedule above in order to have their memberships reinstated.

Application deadline

The ISH Executive Committee considers ISH membership applications twice per year. The deadlines for receipt of completed membership applications are April 1st and August 1st.

To apply

  • Name and e-mail address of the ISH member who is sponsoring you
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Click to apply


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